hito(j.in) matrix page

presented by The Guy

Matrix is an open source communications protocol that is encrypted and privacy-respecting. It functions similarly to Discord without the lack of transparency. You can't get arrested over a joke on this messenger.

Not only is it a great way for you to privately message friends, but the protocol is flexible enough to host an entire social network from a normal deployment. The Circles app planned on turning any Matrix server into a full-on platform where you can privately share photos and posts with large amounts of people while maintaining the core messaging functionality. Although the project's development has fallen behind, we plan on making a client with a similar Facebook-like feed using the Matrix backend eventually.

You can create an account here. Matrix accounts on this site are invite-only. If you want an account on this instance, become my friend and I'll see what I can do. You can add me via the "contact me" link below. I make accounts manually on this instance due to limited server resources.


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